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Blog-September 10, 2018 

For my first week as an ISM student, I slowly started to experience the workload that previous students have always talked about. This introduction was challenging because not only was I tackling assignments and programs I’ve never learned before, but because I wasn’t prepared for how much work actually needed to be put into the assignments for successful results. Nevertheless, this experience has taught me to be more time efficient and it helped me grow my professionalism in terms of my online presence and writing. Furthermore, I did achieve progress this week. I wrote and present my first speech in front of my class. Even though it was in front of only twenty people and a four minute speech, public speaking is not my forte. So it was an accomplishment to go out with confidence and to keep the audience engaged. Secondly, I designed my own website. This was my favorite part of my week’s work because I was able to put my artistic twists and creativity into my portfolio. In addition, I submitted my first research assessment. This was the most difficult part, because I didn’t know where to begin when looking for an article, as well as, I didn’t know how to complete it electronically. Despite those obstacles, I realized that the work wouldn’t of been as difficult if I planned ahead and didn’t procrastinate. In conclusion, I’ve begun to intentionally dive into my career of study, and I have learned important basics that will help create a more successful year for me in ISM. For next week till the end of the month, I will be hoping to answer: How to become a better professional? What is it actually like to work day-to-day as a dietitian? And, to use the efficiency and professionalism I’ve learned in the field as I look for mentors.

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