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About Me.


My name is Madalyn Roehrig. I am a senior at Liberty High School, and I am passionate about dietetics. I aspire to merge the fields of health psychology and nutrition to help prevent the disheartening effects of eating disorders, and help those who are suffering through the mental fight with food. I am involved in many clubs and organizations in school, such as drill team, student council, and National Honors Society. I utilized the quote from Daniel J. Boorstin on my home page, because it exposes the truth that a person will never be able to eat in a way that is truly good for them, unless they understand the facts about a healthy nutrition based lifestyle, not the lies and trends presented in the world. It is when that knowledge is provided and applied that a person can truly discover themselves and thrive. It is my goal to be the person that can pave the way for the road to self discovery and acceptance through nutritional education and consultation.


Mission Statement: 

Through this Independent Study, I plan to push myself as a professional and as a student in order to gain a higher level understanding of the field of dietetics. Through the guidance of my mentor and personal diligence, I strive to actively engage in hands on experiences to develop my passions and abilities farther in order to achieve a successful career as a dietitian.

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