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Smart Goals

First Semester Goals: 

Goal #1: Mentor goal
S. Since I already have more than five interviews confirmed and scheduled before the October 27th deadline, I will have a confirmed mentor by November 9th. (Because Nov. 9th is a friday, so that I can include my official mentor in that coming Monday Blog, and set up a page for my digital portfolio before that Monday's blog)
M. This goal is measurable, because I already have all the interviews in place, as well as already have conducted a few interviews. 
A. So far all my interviews have been really positive and the professionals have offered to follow up talk, and stay in touch. So being sure that I keep the open dialog is important to growing the relationship and securing a yes when I ask for a mentor ship.
R. This goal is realistic because I have set myself up well, and others have done it faster than me and just as successfully as I believe I can.
T. Since all first interviews will be done before October 17th, giving myself and the professionals a few weeks before asking for a follow up interview or a mentor ship is ample time.


Goal #2: Original Work goal
S. I will get in contact with Enneagram before the beginning of November because big businesses are hard to reach, so I want to be able to reach them in open communication before November to give me time to actually put my study together under consent. 
M. It is a measurable goal if I stay on top of it. 
A. If I can get in touch, it is an attainable work, but if not then I will refocus my original work on strict research towards a program for a specific disease.
R. Yes this is realistic, because Enneagram has a website, founder, and a book. These are at least three contacts that can be reached, and probably are open to someone in school pursuing their development (plus it is a christian organization, which can mean more willing to spread the love).
T. This is timely because it gives me two full months to research and perfect as much as possible to get my work done. 

Second Semester Goals:

Goal #1: Mentor Goal
S. I will obtain a internship, or job/volunteer work, working under my mentor, or their practice/hospital by the end of February. 
M. This is measurable because it will have been over three months with my mentor, as well as, almost the end of my ISM journey.
A. This is attainable because I will have established a firm relationship with my mentor, basic skills within the office atmosphere due to my weekly mentor visits, as well as a firm foundation with the education and flow of work processes.
R. Yes this is realistic, because my first two interviews offered me internship work, and mentor assistance. As well as, I know other students that have done this in the past. Plus I am not asking to be a dietitian working with the clients, rather sitting in on meetings/visits, or filling papers, etc to get experience young.
T. This goal is tangible because it involves my physical presence, listening, learning, and working.


Goal #2: Final Product Goal
S. I have a plan in place in relationship to my original work by the end of March. This will allow me to start the work as soon as April hits to insure about 2 months of dedicated work.
M. Yes this is a measurable goal because I will have my mentor and previous Original Work to help develop, support, and move the work forward faster. 
A. This goal is attainable because I will have gained the resources to accomplish my final product.
R. This goal is realistic, because it gives me time to gather my thoughts and ideas (kinda prepares me as a warning so I am ready when the time to work of final product does come up). 
T. This is tangible because I will have to research and construct the product on my own. This can pave the way as an opportunity for later in life, with my mentor, and experiences that I can’t anticipate. 

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