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Blog - November 19, 2018

This was the week of the speech. This speech was an 8-10 minute speech that included a presentation, professional dress, and full memorization. In addition to the fact that I am not a great public speaker, without a word by word perfect reiteration of the analytical thought that I put into my rough copy of the speech I become an even worse public speaker. I feared going over in time so I decided to cut out an entire part of my speech which made me actually short. So I filled the last 45 required seconds with the first thoughts that came into my brain. That made this very stressful and thinking about it I imagine it worse and worse each time, so I am very eager to see the feedback and my personal feedback when I go back and watch the film of myself. Video recording our speeches provide us with such an amazing opportunity to refer back and learn from the mistakes and our accomplishments within each of our assignments. Furthermore, I went back and wrote an observational assessment over the Business Symposium. This reminded me of all the great people I networked with and learned from, and just referring back to skills like that is important because it reminds you of your progress and beneficial opportunities this program offers. Lastly, it is Thanksgiving so I am just remembering to be thankful for all I have, the people that have poured into me and the healthy life that I live. Hope everyone thinks about what they are thankful for too, and ways to show your body you are grateful for all it does for you too.

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