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Two mentor visits and twelve hours into my original work later. We have actually almost made it to the end of the first semester. Sadly, I think I honed my original work around the Enneagram so much that I feel like I really have strayed away from the idea of the duties of a dietitian, but that is okay because due to that revelation, I think I know what I am planning on doing for my final product in the second semester. Furthermore, I have enjoyed and learned so much on my Mentor visits. Tomorrow I have my first observational visit, where I sit in on a client session and I am so intrigued to see what it is actually like. I am mainly curious to visually see the application of nutrition with the circumstances of the patient and how she treats her and the language she uses. As the research showcase approaches, I am also preparing my board and final notes for my original work, research, and professionalism of my year so far in the class. In conclusion, I am hoping that all my focus on the Enneagram is actually applicable or worth it for the long run of my career and connecting with patients. As well as, gain the time to dive into a deeper relationship with my Mentor as we go forth on our journey together. 

Blog - December 10, 2018

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