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Blog - February 11, 2019

There is a time for praises and a time for constructive criticism. This week was a week where I can stop and praise all that I have accomplished even in the imperfections, because of the effort. This week I gave my 15 minute speech, which was by far the best speech I have given yet in this class so far, and am proud of my ability to continually grow in my confidence as a public speaker. Furthermore, I completed all of my assignments that are due by the end of this week, and even the beginning of the next week incredibly in advance. By tuesday I finished all my work in preparation for my packed weekend. This week wasn’t just an example of growth, but great time management. This skill, planning and execution, is what is going to help me so much in my future as I grow independent. Lastly, this week for Student Council, I planned a school event known as, Canvas Painting. This event taught me how to plan, communicate, and manage people, as well as, learned about different logistics I would do differently next time I plan an event. Which leads me to my final product, that happens to be an event. With all this being said, I am thankful for the opportunities I have been given in order to grow and develop for all that the Lord has planned for me in the future.

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