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Blog - February 25, 2019

Frankly, ISM has never really felt like an incredibly overwhelming course, nor an incredibly challenging course. Partially, because I believe that the work I have done holds a bigger purpose than the idea of an assignment. And as the last semester of my high school career comes to a close, I am pushing through the largest endeavor of my ISM year. I am holding an event in an amazing studio that I can not wait to release, and partnering with so many organizations that I can’t wait to learn alongside, and encourage with. With the help of my Mentor, I have gotten in contact with so many great people that have really been the back bones of my final product. Furthermore, God has really shown up in my process by allowing me and beautiful professional art studio for the night, free of any charge. This has been a huge blessing allowing me to really open the realm of opportunities up wider than before, because the funds for this project are all out of pocket. In addition, this project and my mentor ship really have begun to take up most of my time that I forget about my other, more basic, assignments that are posted for us. This is a weak point for me, and this class has really allowed me to grow in my efficiency and focus as a whole. Nevertheless, I can’t wait to move forward with the advertising and planning of my event. Be sure to come, it will be remarkable!

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