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Blog - April 1, 2019

As the school year comes to a close, so is my chapter in ISM. This program however does not use the end of the year as an excuse to stop giving us work. Upcoming for us is the end of final product, as well as, the final presentation night (which is May 17th, at Liberty High School). Final presentation night is so stressful for me, because as we have all heard in my previous blogs, I do not like public speaking or speeches. Sadly, final presentation night consists of a thirty minute speech in front of a classroom filled with family, friends, my mentor, and strangers staring me down. If you can’t tell that makes me so nervous, therefore I have already begun to prepare my speech and power point presentation. The challenge with this is I don’t understand the sophistication that I need to utilize when I speak if it will be in front of all my friends, in addition, I don’t know if I’ll be able to keep a straight face or remember my script if I am staring at my parents. Nevertheless, I trust the practice I have had throughout the year in the class as well as the intense practice that I will undergo before the actual presentation. In regards to my final product, it is coming together amazingly. I have so many painters, and everything is sent and ready. I am only working on food, donations, and volunteers now. So I am so excited to see the turn out and hope to see you there!!! Details under Final Product Tab

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